Sabbatical from social media


On the first of August I moved up to Glasgow. At that time, I decided to also take a break from all my social media accounts; mainly Facebook. Occasionally, I will post on Instagram but, this is rare.

Within the first few days I could feel a sense of ease of breaking the habit of mindlessly scrolling, trying to see everything that occurred that day. It had become an unhealthy habit which lead to what was supposed to be a short time on social media to nearly 1-2hours (sometimes more). I wasn’t happy that I was spending my time doing this. Instead of reading books, going outdoors, or being creative, I was wading through the sea of mindless information. For a long while, I said that it was to keep in touch with those that are far as an excuse. I have since took to staying in touch with them through handwritten letters (my favourite), messages, Marco Polo, WhatsApp, FaceTime and e-mail. So still not completely off the grid, but staying in contact in a more direct manner.

It has been two months since I have stopped checking my social media accounts daily and it has been bliss. Within a week or two after the initial break, I noticed and could feel the difference in my stress levels. I had no idea that it was causing me such stress. The main thing I noticed was the break of the habit of having to be on top of everything and knowing what was happening. I find my information via other ways now. Which, to be perfectly honest, I think everyone should. Although social media is great, like all media, it has bias and opinion. It is up to us to do our own investigations to find out as much of the unbiased facts as possible. That means reading the opposition as well.

During my time off the grid, I have continued my daily, morning yoga practice, meditated, walked to work (when this was possible) as opposed to public/personal transport, and chanted along to Krishna Das, Gypsy Tears, Snatam Kaur and Sean Johnson and the Wild Lotus Band. I have written many letters, to friends and family, gone to eat alone, and have thoroughly enjoyed my own company. Giving myself space, I find I am able to be available more emotionally, and present for my friends, family, and anyone I may encounter. Brian (my husband) arrives today or tomorrow with our bicycles and I cannot wait to cycle along the canal. I’ll be honest, I prefer walking as I find cycling quite uncomfortable, however, I enjoy short journeys.

In other news, last month I was blessed to be able to have another photo shoot with the incredible Rafa . They are an incredibly talented photographer from Edinburgh. However, they have gone to live in Mexico for the time being (so jealous). I am not comfortable with being the center of attention at all or having my photo taken. Everyone in my family knows that I have the proverbial drunk/high face (although I never am); my eyelids just refuse to stay open. Rafa made me feel comfortable and empowered. Although I was tense at moments, especially when trying to take a headshot, we had a great laugh and they got some incredible shots. I am grateful for their patience and skill with my awkward self. You can find some of the updated photos on my website.

Well, that is all for now. Wishing you all a blessed, beautiful day.

With Love,





Yoga: more than just asana